My social media influence

Just met with Greger Wikstrand, Woody Zuill and Kishen Panday

We’re running a little friendly contest in Capgemini where our experts describe how using social media has worked for them. I felt this was interesting enough to share with a wider audience so here you go.

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Should you distrust agile?

Should you distrust people who play with rubber chickens at work?

Why do some people distrust agile software development? Should you distrust agile software development? How can you possible trust people who say that they will “take your money and deliver something” after a month or so? How can you possible trust people who have a rubber bird as part of…

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Software Development Success

A roadpost pointing to success or failure

[bibshow] Software development success is organization dependent. Which organizations are successful in developing and delivering software? Which projects will be successful? That is a crucial question in an industry with an annual turnover of over 400 billion USD and only a 50% success rate. [bibcite key=”citeulike:4540645″] Is it enough to…

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Can you trust agile software development?

A CISV educational activity - a trust game

[bibshow] As a consultant [bibcite key=”citeulike:13415391″] and as an agilist [bibcite key=”citeulike:9846510″] I have a vested interest in trust. Trust might be seen as one of the top two factors for success in software development projects [bibcite key=”citeulike:2824986″]. Most of us have a vague idea of what is needed to…

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Agile Developers Trust their Teams

Four people using each others as support form a small spiral.

Yesterday, I wrote about the methodological challenges of correlation based research on software artefacts. The article which is the base for this post also has a fundamental methodological flaw. McHugh, Conboy and Lang have perfomed a post hoc study of trust in agile software development teams where they asked the…

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