Spring clean your mind
Jobs to be done innovation
Effective requirements engineering
Innovation arenas and outsourcing

Innovation arenas — where innovators, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs collaborate across boundaries to create magic — have become an important ingredient for successful innovation. All enterprises are part of complex value chains. There is only so much improvement and innovation that can be done by a single actor. These innovation arenas…
Cargo cult innovation, play buzzword bingo to spot it

What if simulating innovation was an option? What if you could just fake it until you make it in innovation? I am talking about cargo cult innovation. You know, the kind of innovationism where everything is called innovation, digital or disruptive. The kind of innovationism where you go through all…
Heraclitus was wrong about innovation
Privacy lost can never be regained

Recent events have reminded us that privacy lost cannot be regained. After the hacks of the Democratic party, with the GDPR coming up as one of the biggest challenges in our industry privacy has become a hot topic. The surveillance society keeps gaining momentum. Both little brother and big brother…
Big bet innovation and other types of innovation
Digital snow over Stockholm
Tech debt and duct tape
Tech debt cannot be fixed with duct tape. Fixing your technical debt with duct tape only makes it worse. I’ve written earlier that tech debt needs to be managed carefully or it will overwhelm you. Below, you will find a video where I and Joakim Lindbom discuss tech debt with Casimir Artmann.
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