Requirements Precision
Requirements need to be more precise than just “making sense”.
The Cost of Knowledge
Much interesting research is published through Springer and other high cost publishers. Why do researchers limit the impact of their research by choosing less accessible publication channels?
We all love to get comments on our blogs, don’t we. Especially when they are nice polite comments like “great post”, “keep it coming” and so on. The problem is that so many of these comments are just an excuse for some spammer to get a link back to their own site. That is not why I am here blogging! Today I have taken two steps to enhance the signal to noise ratio in my comments.
First of all, I have activated ComLuv. According to some review I have read it will make my site more attractive for other bloggers to comment on as it will create a link back to their own latest blog post.
Secondly, I have installed “WordPress Hashcash“. It will force the commenters computer to perform some calculations in JavaScript to make it harder for spammers to post comments. This is not a CAPTCHA solution.
So, on one hand I have added a feature which should bring more human comments to the site. On the other hand I have added a feature which should reduce the number of non-human comments to the site. I hope the combination will work as intended.
Agile Meetings and Motivation
There are three key, recurrent meetings in Agile practice:
Do these meetings contribute to team motivation or de-motivation? According to a recent study “Motivating Agile Teams: A Case Study of Teams in Ireland and Sweden” it depends.
Sorry, but I am not going to pay to read any further than the abstract but if someone will donate a copy to me I promise to write about any other sensational findings in the paper.
[bibtex file=]
The Featured Image is taken from Klean Denmark on Flickr and is used under a CC BY SA 2.0 license. It has been slightly cropped.
Agile and TMS
Prioritized backlog versus Release-based Planning
Agile Requirements and the Agile Backlog
The Value of Certifications
The evidence is in – TDD works!
In the November/December issue of IEEE Software the Voice of Evidence addresses Test Driven Development (TDD). Researcher Forrest Shull and several colleagues have reviewed the research literature on TDD. They posed three questions: Does TDD improve delivered quality? Does TDD improve internal code quality? Does TDD improve productivity? They found…
Requirements Lifecycles

Requirements are highly controversial in software development. There is always too much and too little requirements. They are often blamed for project failure or seen as required for project success. I have seen cases where there were too detailed and complex requirements. The result was that everyone worked around the…