Tech debt and duct tape

Tech debt cannot be fixed with duct tape. Fixing your technical debt with duct tape only makes it worse. I’ve written earlier that tech debt needs to be managed carefully or it will overwhelm you. Below, you will find a video where I and Joakim Lindbom discuss tech debt with Casimir Artmann.
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Fail fast applied

Casimir Artmann in a meeting room

When I wrote about the fail fast fallacy, Gene Hughson and Casimir Artmann replied on their blogs: “the need for design” and “fail is not an option“. We decided to create a video together to get a more lively discussion going. Gene asked us how well our joint video was…

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Mob programming – with Woody Zuill

Whenever we have urgent, complex work we sit down and do it together. In our every day work, we make do with occasional meetings. Why do daily scrums when you can do day long scrums? That is how I understand mob programming, but that is not why Woody Zuill and his team started with it. Continue reading