Confirmation bias in software engineering

The Primary auditory cortex is highlighted in magenta, and has been known to interact with all areas highlighted on this neural map.

Of all the limits on our cognition, confirmation bias is perhaps the ugliest. Confirmation bias is hard to get to grip with as it leads us to consider even contradictory evidence as confirmatory. Does confirmation bias affect even software professionals? Of course it does, we are all in the grip…

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Mob programming – with Woody Zuill

Whenever we have urgent, complex work we sit down and do it together. In our every day work, we make do with occasional meetings. Why do daily scrums when you can do day long scrums? That is how I understand mob programming, but that is not why Woody Zuill and his team started with it. Continue reading

What I learned from chopping wood

A lumberjack is chopping wood.

When I moved to a farm, three years ago, I thought I would be able to take what I had learned from consulting and agile and apply it to farming. I soon found out that I was wrong. The true lessons were not in what I could re-apply in farming…

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Sometimes #noestimates can’t help you predict the future

Now that #noestimates has become fairly mainstream, you could wonder how #noestimates can help you predict the future? When I saw that InfoQ included #noestimates as part of their “State of Agile” article for 2014 it was clear to me that #noestimates will continue to be part of our common…

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Can you trust agile software development?

A CISV educational activity - a trust game

[bibshow] As a consultant [bibcite key=”citeulike:13415391″] and as an agilist [bibcite key=”citeulike:9846510″] I have a vested interest in trust. Trust might be seen as one of the top two factors for success in software development projects [bibcite key=”citeulike:2824986″]. Most of us have a vague idea of what is needed to…

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Software Effort Estimation Problems

Estimation is important for software developers. Software effort estimation problems are part of their daily lives.

Software effort estimation is an important part of the daily lives of many software professionals. I have joined the #noestimates debate on Twitter because there is a lot to learn from a discussion on estimates. I’m not ready to fully abandon estimates but I am interested in discussing where, when…

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Tired of estimating? Try the goat!

Are you tired of estimating all the time but not ready to go all the way to #noestimates? Let the estimation goat do all the hard work of guessing for you.

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