In traditional non-agile project a lot of effort is spent in generating documents in order to achieve coordination, collaboration and communication. In agile software development the main artefacts beside the code are the storyboards. So what happens with all that other stuff? Open university research might have the answer in “
Three ‘c’s of agile practice: collaboration, coordination and communication“. I have requested a copy and will give more detail when and if I receive it.
Tag: follow up
Is there any real difference between Burn Down Charts and EVM?
[bibshow]In the September/October 2010 issue of IEEE Software Hakan Erdogmus discusses the differences between Earned Value Management and current agile practices such as burn down charts. His conclusion is that while similar these two concepts are not the same.[bibcite key=”citeulike:13767577″] I do not agree, I think burn down charts and…
Is there any real difference between Burn Down Charts and EVM?

[bibshow]In the September/October 2010 issue of IEEE Software Hakan Erdogmus discusses the differences between Earned Value Management and current agile practices such as burn down charts. His conclusion is that while similar these two concepts are not the same.[bibcite key=”citeulike:13767577″] I do not agree, I think burn down charts and…