Legacy systems, a definition

Legacy systems come in many forms, here a Data I/O Model 29B

When we want to replace software systems, we often start calling them legacy systems. Sometimes we call legacy after we have made the decision to switch. Sometimes legacy is used as a pejorative to precipitate change. Keep reading for a discussion on a definition of legacy systems.

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Switcher’s curse and legacy decisions

These dolls have been cursed with switcher's curse maybe.

Switcher’s curse is about conservatism in a world of constant change. There are many fallacies and biases which cause us to stick to legacy decisions. Switcher’s curse is a a fallacy that causes us to switch when we should stay. Keep reading about the challenges of legacy and how to…

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Legacy software as a valuable inheritance

Legacy software is often seen as something negative. Wiktionary has a depressing definition of a computer system that has been in service for many years and that a business still relies upon, even though it is becoming expensive or difficult to maintain. I have never liked that definition, because obviously if you keep investing in something for many years, it must be bringing some value to you. As Woody Zuill pointed out to me when I met him recently, the original definition of legacy is much more positive: Continue reading

Budget for Technical Debt Reduction

If you do not take care of technical debt reduction, you will end up like this house.

The foolish man builds his house on loose sand but the rains and the winds will crash it. (Matthew 7:24-27) Things have not changed that much in the last two thousand years. Technical debt remains a major challenge for software development teams.

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