Did Agile Ruin your Life?

Did agile ruin your life? These pair programmers do no seem that concerned.

Daniel Markham has written a rant about how many people feel that Agile has “ruined their lives”. Basically, he is saying that to these people Agile is just a new name for snake oil. Agile coaches are nothing but scamsters. The books they write are nothing but positively biased stories…

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Is there any real difference between Burn Down Charts and EVM?

A burn down chart

[bibshow]In the September/October 2010 issue of IEEE Software Hakan Erdogmus discusses the differences between Earned Value Management and current agile practices such as burn down charts. His conclusion is that while similar these two concepts are not the same.[bibcite key=”citeulike:13767577″] I do not agree, I think burn down charts and…

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Do I have a healthy test suite?

With TDD etc we are all assuming that we have a healthy test suite. Now some researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium have published a way to actaully measure this. Their idea is to plot on one axis the percentage of the total code base that is test rather than…

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